Useful Tips for Picking Out Bad Eggs

Almost everyone has been faced with this trouble – you want to make a hearty breakfast in the morning to stay active for the day, but when you put the egg in the pot and discover that the egg is bad and affects other ingredients. How bad a thing it is! So you should know how to tell if eggs are bad when you reach into the fridge for eggs which you don’t know how long they have been sitting there.

The bad egg is very harmful to our body because it contains a lot of bacteria or mold. With the passage of time, the quality of eggs begins to decline, the protective effect of the eggshell decreases, the air sac inside the shell becomes larger, the egg white becomes thinner, leading to the proliferation of microorganisms, and thus the egg deteriorates. Below, you will be introduced to four methods that you can use to easily check if your eggs are bad. We’ve included detailed instructions on how to try these techniques to ensure you’re eating fresh eggs, getting your money’s worth, and avoiding a stinky refrigerator.

1: Floating judgment

To test freshness, put the egg in water to see if it floats.

There is a small air chamber inside the egg. Over time, air slowly enters the egg through a hole in the shell. The more air that goes into the egg, the bigger the air chamber in the egg, and the easier it is to float.

If the egg sinks horizontally to the bottom of the bowl, the egg is at its freshest. If the egg stands up but one end is still in contact with the bottom of the bowl, the egg is past its freshest point but still edible. If the egg floats, it’s no longer fresh. But that doesn’t mean it’s spoiled or uneatable. You still have to knock it open and see or smell it to see if it’s spoiled.

2: Auditory inspection

Hold the egg to your ear and shake it to see if it makes a sound. As the egg ages and becomes damp, the carbon dioxide in the egg seeps out of the shell. The yolk and white slowly contract and dry out, and the air chamber becomes larger and larger. The bigger the air chamber, the more room there is in the egg, so when you shake the egg, the more noise there is. Fresh eggs should not make any noise, or if they do, not much. Shaking an egg makes a loud noise, which means the egg is no longer fresh.

3: Lighting method:

Hold the egg gently with your hand and observe the light. The egg white is clear and translucent. There is a small empty room at one end, while the bad egg is gray and the empty room is larger. Some eggs have blotches, which are old or spoiled.

4: Visual and Sniff Tests:

The most accurate way to tell if an egg has gone bad is to crack it open and smell it. Bad eggs have a pungent smell that can be detected the moment you open them. You should throw it away immediately.

Some stale eggs have no taste, you can look at the shape of the yolk and the white. The longer it takes, the less complete the egg becomes. See if the eggs are spread out over a large area, or if they are well together. A scattered egg, or rather runny looking egg, has less protein and is no longer fresh. Observe the color of the protein. If the egg whites are cloudy, the egg is fresh.

By learning the above methods, you can accurately determine whether an egg is bad. Meanwhile, it’s important to fully cook it to a safe temperature before you eat it.

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